What is 360 Review Template?

A 360 Review Template is a performance appraisal tool designed to solicit feedback about an employee’s performance from all perspectives – including self-evaluation, peers, subordinates, and superiors. The aim of this multidimensional review is to create a holistic picture of an individual’s strengths, areas for improvement, and overall effectiveness within their role.

The template itself is often composed of standardized questions about various competencies such as communication skills, teamwork, leadership, and technical capabilities, among others. It may also provide a scale for scoring and space for detailed comments.

The main advantage of a 360 Review Template is that it allows for comprehensive and balanced feedback by considering multiple perspectives. This gives a more complete understanding of an employee’s performance than traditional methods which only involve the superior’s perspective.

However, it’s essential to handle these reviews carefully. Open, honest feedback must be encouraged and all participants need to be assured their inputs will be used constructively and confidentially. Done correctly, 360 reviews can provide invaluable insights that can fuel personal and professional growth, thereby improving overall organizational performance.

Components of a 360 Review

A 360-degree review, also known as multi-rater feedback or multi-source feedback, is a performance review method that gathers feedback from a person’s subordinates, colleagues, and supervisors, as well as a self-evaluation by the employee themselves.

This type of feedback can provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s performance, helping to uncover blind spots, and can also promote a culture of openness within an organization.

Here are the typical components of a 360-degree review:


The individual being evaluated completes an evaluation of their own performance. This can reveal insight into their self-perception and identify any discrepancies between their perception and the perceptions of others.

Peer Review:

Colleagues who work alongside the individual being reviewed provide their feedback. These can be people from the same team or from cross-functional teams.

Managerial Review:

This includes feedback from the individual’s direct supervisor or manager. It often carries significant weight in the process.

Subordinate Review:

If the individual being reviewed is a supervisor, feedback will be sought from their direct reports. This can provide insight into their leadership and management style.

External Feedback:

Sometimes feedback might also be collected from external sources such as clients, suppliers, or other stakeholders who interact with the individual.

Competency Assessment:

This is a structured assessment to evaluate the skills, behaviors, and attitudes that have been identified as important for the role the individual performs.

Development Planning:

Based on the feedback received, a development plan is typically created, identifying areas for growth and strategies to achieve those goals.


After the initial review and development planning, there is usually a follow-up to assess progress against the plan.

Purpose of Using a 360 Review Template

The purpose of using a 360 review template is to facilitate a comprehensive and structured evaluation of an individual’s performance and competencies. A 360 review, also known as a multi-rater feedback or 360-degree feedback, involves gathering feedback from various sources who have a perspective on the individual’s work, such as peers, supervisors, subordinates, and sometimes even external stakeholders.

Here are a few reasons why using a 360 review template can be beneficial:


A template provides a standardized framework for collecting feedback. It ensures that all participants provide feedback on the same set of competencies, behaviors, or performance areas, making the evaluation process fair and consistent.

Focus and Alignment:

The template helps align the feedback with specific goals, objectives, or competencies that are relevant to the individual’s role or the organization’s mission. It ensures that the feedback received is directly related to the areas that need improvement or development.

Comprehensive Assessment:

The template typically covers a wide range of dimensions, including technical skills, communication, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and more. This comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of an individual’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Anonymity and Confidentiality:

A well-designed template can maintain anonymity and confidentiality for the reviewers. This encourages honest and constructive feedback, as individuals feel more comfortable providing feedback when their identity is protected.

Feedback Interpretation:

A template often includes guidelines or rating scales that help reviewers provide specific and actionable feedback. It facilitates clearer and more meaningful comments, allowing the individual to understand their strengths and areas for development.

Development Planning:

The template can serve as a starting point for creating a personalized development plan. It helps the individual and their manager identify specific actions and resources to enhance their performance based on the feedback received.

Comparison Over Time:

If the organization conducts 360 reviews periodically, using a template allows for easy comparison of feedback across different time points. It enables tracking progress, identifying trends, and assessing the effectiveness of developmental efforts over time.

How to Create a 360 Review Template

Creating a 360 review template involves careful planning and consideration of the specific competencies and areas of focus you want to evaluate. Steps to create a 360 review template are mentioned below:

Determine the Evaluation Criteria:

Identify the key competencies or performance areas that are important for the individual’s role or the organization’s objectives. These may include technical skills, communication, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, etc. Consider the specific needs of your organization and the goals you want to achieve through the feedback process.

Design Rating Scales:

Develop rating scales or scoring systems that allow reviewers to rate the individual’s performance in each competency or area. This can be done using numerical scales, likert scales (e.g., 1-5), or descriptive scales (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent). Clearly define what each rating level means to ensure consistency in interpretation.

Create Open-Ended Questions:

Include open-ended questions or comment sections to provide reviewers with an opportunity to provide detailed feedback and examples. These questions should be designed to elicit specific information or insights about the individual’s performance, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality:

Consider how you will maintain anonymity and confidentiality of the feedback. You may want to include instructions and reassurances in the template to ensure reviewers feel comfortable providing honest feedback without fear of repercussions.

Formatting and Structure:

Organize the template in a clear and user-friendly format. Use headings, sections, and sub-sections to group competencies or performance areas. Provide clear instructions for each section, including guidance on how to rate, what to include in open-ended responses, and any specific requirements or expectations.

Pilot Testing:

Before implementing the template, conduct a pilot test with a small group of individuals to gather feedback on its clarity, effectiveness, and relevance. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments or refinements to the template.

Customize for Different Roles:

If applicable, consider creating variations of the template for different roles or positions within your organization. Different roles may require specific competencies or have unique performance criteria that should be reflected in the template.

Training and Communication:

Provide clear instructions and training materials to all participants involved in the 360 review process. Ensure they understand the purpose, process, and how to effectively use the template. Communicate expectations, timelines, and the importance of providing constructive feedback.

Ongoing Evaluation:

Regularly review and update the template based on feedback and evolving organizational needs. Solicit feedback from participants to continuously improve the template’s effectiveness and relevance.

Tips for Using a 360 Review Template Effectively

Using a 360 review template effectively requires careful planning and implementation to maximize its benefits. Tips to help you use a 360 review template effectively are stated as follows:

Clear Communication:

Clearly communicate the purpose, process, and expectations of the 360 review to all participants. Explain why the feedback is valuable, how it will be used, and emphasize the importance of providing honest and constructive feedback.

Training and Orientation:

Provide training or orientation sessions for reviewers and individuals being evaluated. Ensure they understand how to use the template, how to interpret the rating scales, and how to provide meaningful feedback. Address any questions or concerns they may have.

Select Appropriate Reviewers:

Choose reviewers who have a good understanding of the individual’s work and can provide valuable insights. This may include peers, supervisors, subordinates, and sometimes even external stakeholders. Ensure the reviewers have sufficient knowledge and interaction with the individual being evaluated.

Maintain Anonymity and Confidentiality:

Assure reviewers that their feedback will remain anonymous and confidential. This encourages honest and unbiased feedback. Establish procedures to ensure that feedback cannot be traced back to specific individuals.

Use a Balanced Approach:

Ensure the template covers a balanced range of competencies and performance areas. Include both strengths and areas for improvement to provide a comprehensive view of the individual’s performance. This helps identify areas of excellence and areas that require development.

Provide Clear Instructions:

Include clear instructions within the template to guide reviewers on how to rate, provide feedback, and complete the evaluation. Clearly define what each rating level means to promote consistent interpretation and reduce ambiguity.

Include Open-Ended Questions:

In addition to rating scales, include open-ended questions or comment sections to allow reviewers to provide specific examples, suggestions, or qualitative feedback. This helps to enrich the feedback and provide more actionable insights.

Focus on Development:

Emphasize that the purpose of the 360 review is to support the individual’s growth and development. Encourage reviewers to provide constructive feedback that can help the individual enhance their skills and performance. Avoid using the review as a platform for personal criticism or venting.

Follow-Up and Action Planning:

After the review is complete, facilitate a feedback discussion between the individual and their manager. Help them interpret the feedback, identify strengths, discuss areas for improvement, and develop a realistic action plan for development. Provide support and resources to aid in the individual’s growth journey.

Regular Evaluation and Improvement:

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the 360 review process and template. Collect feedback from participants and make necessary adjustments to enhance the process in future iterations.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, a 360 review template is a valuable tool for conducting comprehensive and structured evaluations of an individual’s performance and competencies. By using a template, you can standardize the feedback collection process, focus on key evaluation criteria, and ensure consistency and fairness.

When creating a 360 review template, consider the specific competencies and performance areas relevant to your organization’s goals. Design rating scales and include open-ended questions to gather detailed feedback. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality for reviewers and provide clear instructions for their participation.

By utilizing a well-designed 360 review template and following best practices, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and support the professional development of their employees.