Category: Surveys

Market Research Survey Tools

Market Research Survey

What is a Market Research Survey?

Market research surveys are an essential tool for businesses and organizations looking to gain insights into their target market. These surveys are designed to gather data from a sample of the population to help companies make informed decisions about their products, services, marketing strategies, and more.

The purpose of a market research survey is to gain a better understanding of customers’ needs, wants, and behaviors. This can be done through a variety of methods, including online surveys, telephone surveys, mail surveys, and in-person interviews. The data collected can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, opinions, and attitudes toward a particular product or service.

To design an effective market research survey, it’s important to consider the target audience, the objectives of the research, and the type of data that needs to be collected. The survey questions should be clear, concise, and relevant to the research objectives, and the survey itself should be designed to be user-friendly and easy to complete.

Once the survey has been completed, the data needs to be analyzed and interpreted to identify patterns, trends, and insights. This information can be used to inform decision-making, improve products and services, and develop more effective marketing strategies.

Overall, market research surveys are a critical tool for businesses and organizations looking to stay competitive and better understand their customers. By collecting and analyzing data through these surveys, companies can make informed decisions that ultimately lead to more successful outcomes.

Why Marketing Research is Important

Marketing research is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. It involves gathering and analyzing information about consumers, competitors, and market trends to inform decision-making and drive business growth. By conducting market research, businesses can identify customer needs and preferences, evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, and stay ahead of the competition.

Marketing research also allows businesses to make informed decisions about product development, pricing, distribution, and promotional strategies. By understanding the needs and desires of their target market, businesses can tailor their products and services to meet those needs and gain a competitive advantage. In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, marketing research is more important than ever to help businesses stay relevant, innovative, and profitable.

Primary Market Research

Primary market research refers to the collection of original data directly from the source, typically through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other forms of direct communication with individuals or groups. The purpose of primary market research is to obtain new and specific information to answer research questions or to test hypotheses.

Primary market research is typically conducted when there is a lack of existing data on a particular topic, or when the data that exists is outdated or insufficient. This type of research allows businesses and organizations to collect data that is relevant to their specific needs, and to gain a deeper understanding of their target audience’s behaviors, attitudes, and preferences. It can be time-consuming and expensive, but it can provide valuable insights that are not available through other sources of data. By collecting and analyzing primary research data, businesses, and organizations can make informed decisions and develop strategies that are tailored to their specific needs and target audience.

Secondary Market Research

Secondary market research refers to the process of gathering information and data from existing sources such as books, reports, articles, and databases, rather than collecting data through direct research.

This type of research is often conducted to gain insights into market trends, industry analysis, customer behavior, competitor analysis, and other aspects of a specific industry or market. It involves analyzing information that has already been collected by other researchers or organizations, such as government agencies, market research firms, and industry associations.

Benefits of Market Research Surveys

Market research surveys have numerous benefits for businesses and organizations. Some of them are mentioned as follows.

1. Understanding Customer Needs: Market research surveys can help companies understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and opinions, which can inform the development of new products or services and improve existing ones.

2. Identifying Trends: Surveys can help identify trends and changes in the market, allowing businesses to adjust their strategies to stay competitive.

3. Improving Customer Satisfaction: By gathering feedback from customers, companies can address any issues and improve customer satisfaction, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

4. Targeting Marketing Efforts: Surveys can help companies identify their target audience and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly, leading to more effective campaigns.

5. Measuring Performance: Market research surveys can also help companies measure their own performance and identify areas for improvement.

6. Making Informed Decisions: By gathering data through surveys, companies can make informed business decisions based on real-world data, rather than relying on assumptions or guesswork.

Tips on How to Create a Market Research Survey

Market research surveys are an essential tool for businesses to gain insights into their target audience, identify customer needs and preferences, and make informed decisions about their products or services. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing professional, these tips will help you design a survey that delivers the insights you need to succeed in today’s competitive market. 

1. Define research objectives: Before creating your survey, it’s important to clearly define your research objectives. What information do you want to collect? What are the specific questions you want to answer with your research?

2. Determine your target audience: Identify the specific group of people you want to survey. This could be your existing customers, potential customers, or a broader audience.

3. Choose survey method: There are several ways to administer surveys, including online surveys, phone surveys, and in-person surveys. Choose the method that will be most effective for reaching your target audience.

4. Keep your survey short: Keep your survey concise and focused on your research objectives. Avoid asking too many questions or including irrelevant questions.

5. Use simple language: Use clear and simple language in your survey questions. Avoid using technical terms or industry jargon that may be unfamiliar to your target audience.

6. Question types: Use a mix of question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions. This will help you collect both quantitative and qualitative data.

7. Pilot test: Before launching your survey, pilot tests it with a small group of people to identify any issues with the survey design or questions.

8. Analyze and interpret results: Once you’ve collected your survey data, analyze and interpret the results to gain insights into your target audience and inform your business decisions.

Market Research Survey Tools

Market research survey tools are essential for businesses that want to understand their target market and gather insights into their customers’ preferences and behaviors. These tools provide businesses with a way to collect data from a large group of people quickly and efficiently, allowing them to make informed decisions about their products or services.

  1. Mastering Market Research Surveys: A Complete Guide

There are many different market research survey tools available on the market today, each with their own unique features and capabilities. Some of the most popular tools include:

1. SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow is a powerful tool for conducting market research surveys

SurveySparrow is a cloud-based market research survey tool that allows businesses to create and conduct surveys to gather feedback from customers and employees. The tool is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for businesses to create engaging surveys that yield high response rates.

Pricing: SurveySparrow offers a free trial for 14 days and its basic plan starts from $19 Per Month  

2. SurveyMonkey

Comprehensive market research tool

SurveyMonkey is one of the most popular survey tools available, offering businesses the ability to create custom surveys quickly and easily. The platform also provides powerful analytics tools that allow businesses to gain insights into their data and identify trends and patterns.

Pricing: Starts at $31 per month. 

3. Typeform

Interactive market research platform

Typeform is a modern and interactive survey tool that uses conversational forms to engage respondents and gather more in-depth data. It offers a range of question types and allows businesses to customize the look and feel of their surveys.

Pricing: Typeform offers a range of pricing plans starting from free to enterprise-level, with varying features and limits depending on the plan selected.

4. Qualtrics

Robust insights market research platform

Qualtrics is a powerful survey tool that offers advanced features such as branching logic, randomization, and A/B testing. It is designed for enterprise-level businesses and offers powerful analytics tools for analyzing survey data.

Pricing: Custom pricing is available upon request.

5. Alchemer

Data-driven customization market research software

Alchemer is a customizable survey tool that allows businesses to create surveys with a wide range of question types and custom designs. It offers advanced features such as branching logic and integration with other tools such as Salesforce.

Pricing: Plan starts from free to enterprise level.

These are some of the best market research survey tools available on the market. Each tool offers unique features and benefits, so it’s important to consider your business needs and budget while selecting a tool.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, market research surveys are an essential tool for businesses looking to gather data and insights about their target market. By conducting surveys, businesses can make informed decisions based on their customers’ needs and preferences, and ultimately, improve their products or services to better meet those needs. The advent of online survey tools has made it easier and more cost-effective for businesses to conduct market research surveys, with options like Typeform and SurveyGizmo offering a range of pricing plans to suit varying needs and budgets. By leveraging the power of market research surveys, businesses can gain a competitive edge in their industry and achieve long-term success.


ultimate guide for customer satisfaction

Ultimate Guide for Customer Satisfaction

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In today’s competitive business world, customer satisfaction is one of the key factors that determine the success of a business. A satisfied customer is more likely to remain loyal to a company and recommend it to others, leading to increased sales and revenue. In contrast, an unsatisfied customer can lead to negative reviews, loss of sales, and a damaged reputation. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to focus on customer satisfaction to ensure their continued success. In this article, we will discuss the ultimate guide to customer satisfaction (CSAT) and how businesses can improve their CSAT scores.

What is Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)?

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a measure of how well a product or service meets the expectations of customers. It is typically measured using a survey that asks customers to rate their satisfaction with a particular product or service. The survey can be conducted in various ways, including through email, phone, or in person.

CSAT scores are usually reported as a percentage, with 100% indicating that all customers are completely satisfied, and 0% indicating that no customers are satisfied. However, it is rare to achieve 100% customer satisfaction as every customer has unique needs and expectations. Therefore, it is important to set realistic goals and strive to improve the CSAT score over time.

Why is Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Important?

Customer satisfaction is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is an indication of how well a business is meeting the needs and expectations of its customers. If customers are satisfied, they are more likely to remain loyal to the business and continue to use its products or services. This will gradually lead to increased sales for the business.

Secondly, customer satisfaction is closely linked to customer retention. When customers are satisfied, they are more likely to become repeat customers, which can increase customer lifetime value. Repeat customers also tend to be less expensive to acquire than new customers, as there is already an established relationship.

Finally, customer satisfaction can also impact a business’s reputation. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a business to others, leading to positive word-of-mouth marketing. In contrast, unsatisfied customers can leave negative reviews and damage a business’s reputation.

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)?

There are several ways to measure customer satisfaction (CSAT), including the following:

1. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: This is the most common way to measure CSAT. It involves sending a survey to customers asking them to rate their satisfaction with a product or service on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. The survey can be shared through multiple platforms.

Sample Questions:

a) How satisfied are you with the overall quality of our product/service?

b) How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

2. Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS is a metric that measures the likelihood of a customer recommending a product or service to others. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 10, with customers who rate 9 or 10 being considered promoters, customers who rate 7 or 8 being considered passive, and customers who rate 0 to 6 being considered detractors.

Sample Questions:

a) On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

b) What is the primary reason for your score?

3. Customer Effort Score (CES): CES measures how easy it is for a customer to use a product or service. It is typically measured using a survey that asks customers to rate how easy or difficult it was to use a product or service on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.

Sample Questions:

a) On a scale of 1-10, how easy was it for you to find the product/service you were looking for?

b) How much effort did you have to put in to get your issue resolved?

4. Customer Churn Rate: Churn rate measures the percentage of customers who stop using a product or service over a given period. A high churn rate indicates that customers are not satisfied with the product or service.

Sample Questions:

a) Have you considered canceling your subscription or service with us?

b) Have you found a better alternative to our product or service?

5. Product Market Fit: Product market fit can be measured by the level of customer satisfaction and the extent to which a product meets their expectations and solves its problems.

Sample Questions:

a) What are some of the key factors that contribute to product-market fit?

b) How do you know if your product has achieved a good market fit?

How to Improve Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)?

Improving customer satisfaction (CSAT) is critical for any business that wants to succeed in today’s highly competitive market. Here are some strategies that can help improve CSAT:

1. Provide excellent customer service: Ensure that your customers are satisfied with the service they receive. Respond to their inquiries and complaints promptly and empathetically. Train your customer service team to be polite, patient, and helpful.

2. Deliver high-quality products and services: Ensure that your products and services meet or exceed your customers’ expectations. Make sure that your products are of high quality and that your services are delivered promptly and professionally.

3. Personalize the customer experience: Treat each customer as an individual and customize their experience based on their preferences and needs. Use their names in communication, offer personalized recommendations, and tailor your marketing messages to their interests.

4. Gather and act on customer feedback: Collect feedback from your customers regularly and take action on their suggestions and complaints. This will show that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience.

5. Be transparent and honest: Be transparent about your products, services, and policies. Don’t make false promises or mislead customers. Honesty and transparency build trust and loyalty.

6. Offer incentives and rewards: Offer rewards, discounts, or other incentives to customers who provide feedback, refer new customers, or make repeat purchases. This will encourage them to continue doing business with you.

7. Continuously improve: Continuously monitor your customer satisfaction levels and look for ways to improve your products, services, and customer experience.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a positive customer experience and improve customer satisfaction, which can lead to increased loyalty, retention, and revenue.

10 Best Customer Satisfaction Tools in 2023

Improving customer satisfaction is crucial for the success of any business, and customer satisfaction tools can help in achieving this goal. Here is an overview of 10 of the best customer satisfaction tools:

1. SurveySparrow

Empowering businesses to gather and act on customer feedback for improved satisfaction and loyalty

SurveySparrow helps you get a better picture of how your customers feel about your product or service in order to improve customer experience. By leveraging real data provided by customers, businesses can identify pitfalls they may have otherwise missed, become even more efficient in improving their customer service, and maximize results. 

The platform offers a range of customizable survey templates designed to gather feedback from customers about their experience with a product or service. The surveys can be sent through various channels, including email, SMS, and web links

SurveySparrow’s CSAT tool provides businesses with a comprehensive dashboard that displays real-time customer feedback, making it easy for businesses to track customer satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement. The platform also offers advanced analytics that allow businesses to analyze feedback data and generate actionable insights.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

2. Qualtrics 

Experience management platform

Qualtrics CSAT tool is designed to help businesses measure and improve customer satisfaction by providing a platform to collect and analyze feedback from customers. It offers advanced analytics and reporting features that enable businesses to gain insights into customer feedback data. This includes sentiment analysis, text analytics, and machine learning capabilities.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

3. SurveyMonkey 

Customer feedback gathering

SurveyMonkey is a widely used survey software that offers a customer satisfaction (CSAT) tool designed to help businesses measure and improve customer satisfaction. SurveyMonkey’s CSAT tool allows businesses to track customer satisfaction levels in real-time, enabling them to identify areas of concern and take action quickly. 

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

4. Medallia

Real-time feedback analysis

Medallia is a customer experience management platform that allows businesses to capture and analyze customer feedback across multiple channels. The tool uses a variety of methods to gather customer feedback, including surveys, feedback forms, and social media monitoring. The data collected through these channels is then aggregated and analyzed in real-time, providing companies with valuable insights into their customers’ experiences.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

5. HubSpot 

CRM customer feedback

HubSpot’s CSAT tool is designed to help companies collect feedback from their customers and use that feedback to improve the customer experience. The tool includes features such as surveys, feedback forms, and customer service ticket tracking, which allow companies to gather feedback from a variety of channels and analyze that feedback in real-time. Another benefit of HubSpot’s CSAT tool is its ability to automate the feedback collection process. With features such as chatbots and automated surveys, companies can gather feedback from customers without requiring them to take additional steps. This can help increase response rates and provide companies with more data to analyze.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

6. Freshdesk

Customer support software

Freshdesk’s CSAT tool includes robust reporting and analytics features. Companies can track customer satisfaction scores over time, identify trends in customer feedback, and drill down into specific customer service interactions to identify areas for improvement. This can help companies identify common issues that are impacting customer satisfaction and make targeted improvements to their customer service processes.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

7. UserTesting 

User experience testing platform

UserTesting is a customer experience management platform that allows businesses to gather feedback from customers about their experience with a product or service. The tool uses a variety of methods to gather customer feedback, including surveys, feedback forms, and usability testing. The data collected through these channels is then aggregated and analyzed in real-time, providing companies with valuable insights into their customers’ experiences.

G2 Rating: 4.5/5

8. Delighted

Net Promoter Score Software

Delighted is a customer feedback software platform that specializes in measuring and improving customer satisfaction. The platform is easy to set up and use, with intuitive survey design and response tracking features. This makes it an ideal tool for small and mid-sized businesses that are looking for a straightforward solution to measure and improve customer satisfaction.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

9. Salesforce 

CRM customer insights platform

Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that offers a range of tools for managing customer interactions and improving customer satisfaction. Salesforce’s CSAT tool allows companies to collect feedback from customers through surveys and other feedback channels, such as email or social media. The feedback collected is then analyzed and presented in a dashboard that allows companies to monitor customer satisfaction scores in real-time.

G2 Rating: 4.3/5

10. Nicereply 

Feedback collection software

Nicereply is a customer satisfaction software that allows businesses to measure and track customer satisfaction through surveys and feedback forms. Nicereply’s CSAT tool also includes features that allow companies to track customer satisfaction across different touchpoints. This includes email, phone, in-app interactions, and other channels. By tracking customer satisfaction across multiple touchpoints, companies can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and identify areas where improvements can be made.

G2 Rating: 4.5/5

Each of these tools has unique features and benefits, making them suitable for different businesses and industries. Some offer advanced analytics and reporting features, while others focus on social media monitoring and management.

Overall, investing in a customer satisfaction tool is a wise decision for any business looking to improve customer experience and satisfaction. By gathering and analyzing customer feedback, businesses can make data-driven decisions that help them stand out in a crowded marketplace and build a loyal customer base.

Best Practices for Customer Satisfaction Surveys

  1. Customer satisfaction surveys are essential for understanding customers’ needs and improving products/services
  2. Keep surveys short (5-10 minutes) to prevent survey fatigue and lower response rates
  3. Use clear and simple language in questions to avoid confusion and ensure all respondents can understand
  4. Use a mix of question types (open-ended and closed-ended) to gather both qualitative and quantitative data
  5. Personalize surveys by addressing customers by name and making the survey relevant to their experience with your company
  6. Analyze survey data and take action on insights received to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
  7. Improving customer satisfaction and loyalty can increase revenue and profitability


Wrapping Up

To conclude, there are a variety of tools available for businesses to enhance their customer satisfaction efforts. From customer relationship management (CRM) software and social media monitoring tools to live chat support and customer feedback platforms, businesses have an array of options to engage with their customers and provide personalized, efficient, and effective service. By leveraging these tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers’ needs and preferences, optimize their operations, and build stronger relationships with their customers. Ultimately, investing in customer satisfaction tools can lead to increased customer retention, loyalty, and revenue for businesses of all sizes and industries.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

Top 10 NPS Survey Platforms for Measuring Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

Top 10 NPS Survey Tools to Measure Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

What is NPS Survey?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey is a form of survey that aims to gauge the probability of customers recommending a product, service, or company to others. It’s a simple but effective tool for evaluating the success of customer experience efforts. The standard NPS survey asks them to rate their recommendations on a scale of 0 to 10. It can be conducted through various channels, such as email or website, and may incorporate extra questions to obtain more comprehensive feedback on their experience. This survey tools can provide valuable insights to identify areas for improvement and inform strategic decision-making aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why use NPS Survey?

NPS surveys provide a powerful means for businesses to gauge customer loyalty and contentment. This has been achieved by posing a straightforward question to them about their inclination to recommend a product or service to others. So that it allows businesses to evaluate their performance and pinpoint aspects that require improvement promptly. They also facilitate comparisons with industry standards and competitors, yielding valuable market insights. By leveraging the feedback obtained, businesses can strategically direct their efforts towards areas with the greatest potential to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, culminating in higher revenue and long-term prosperity.

10 Best NPS Survey Tools

With the growing focus on customer-focused businesses, these surveys have become increasingly important. This article highlights the top 10 NPS survey tools available, designed to help businesses collect, analyze, and respond to their feedback to make informed decisions and enhance the customer experience.

1. SurveySparrow

best nps survey tool for feedback

SurveySparrow is a platform for gathering customer feedback that emphasizes the use of NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys to gauge customer satisfaction. These surveys, which assess the likelihood of them recommending a business, are a popular method, and SurveySparrow makes it simple for businesses to conduct them and gain valuable insights into the customer experience.

An important aspect of SurveySparrow is its custom branding options, which enable businesses to personalize their surveys by adding their own logos, colors, and other elements. This results in higher customer engagement and more precise responses.

SurveySparrow also offers real-time reporting, giving businesses immediate access to the results of their NPS surveys, allowing them to quickly assess their performance and make improvements to enhance customer experience and satisfaction.

Pricing: SurveySparrow provides a 14-day free trial and its basic plan starts at a monthly rate of $19.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

2. SurveyMonkey

good for measuring customer loyalty

SurveyMonkey is a highly favored NPS survey tool with its ease of use and various features and integrations. Using SurveyMonkey, companies can design and distribute surveys to customers, monitor responses instantly, and use robust reporting tools to examine the results.

Pricing: SurveyMonkey offers a range of pricing plans for its online survey platform. The Basic plan is free, but with limited features, while the paid plans start at $25 per month.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

3. Delighted 

Customer loyalty measurement tool

Delighted is a customer feedback platform that provides NPS surveys, as well as alternative feedback methods like in-app feedback and SMS surveys. The NPS surveys offered by Delighted are straightforward, user-friendly, and provide valuable insights for businesses to act on. By using Delighted, businesses can evaluate customer satisfaction, pinpoint areas for growth, and monitor their progress over time.

Pricing: It charges based on the number of survey responses per month, starting at $99/month for up to 1,000 responses. They also offer a free plan with limited features and a 14-day free trial for their paid plans.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

4. Qualtrics 

Customer feedback platform.

Qualtrics is an all-encompassing research platform that offers NPS surveys as just one of its many survey choices. With Qualtrics, businesses have a flexible and scalable solution for conducting surveys, complete with features like personalized branding, immediate reporting, and compatibility with other business tools.

Pricing: Qualtrics offers a range of pricing plans for their customer experience management platform, starting at $1,500 per year. The cost varies depending on the features, capabilities, and level of support needed by them.

G2 Rating: 4.4/5

5. InMoment 

Real-time customer experience feedback.

InMoment is a platform that helps businesses enhance customer experience by providing NPS surveys and analytics. These surveys, created by InMoment, are simple for customers to fill out and aim to deliver useful information to businesses to help them increase customer satisfaction.

Pricing: Custom pricing is available upon request.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

6. SatisMeter 

Customer satisfaction measurement tool.

SatisMeter is a platform focused on NPS surveys for customer feedback. It claims capabilities like customized branding, automated follow-ups, and connectivity with well-known technologies like Intercom and Zendesk. The NPS surveys from SatisMeter are simplified and effective, making it a popular choice for companies looking to gauge client happiness.

Pricing: SatisMeter offers different pricing plans based on the number of survey responses and the level of features needed. The plans start at $49/month for up to 1000 survey responses and can go up to custom pricing for larger businesses.

G2 Rating: 4.8/5


Automated NPS survey platform. is a platform that provides feedback from customers through NPS surveys, email and in-app feedback, and integration with well-known tools such as Intercom and Zendesk. These surveys offered by are straightforward and convenient for them to complete and deliver valuable information for businesses to improve.

Pricing: The pricing plans commence from $50 per month for a maximum of 1,000 survey responses and are customizable for enterprise-level companies.

G2 Rating: 4.5/5

8. Retently 

Customer feedback management.

Retently is a platform that collects customer feedback through NPS surveys, SMS feedback, surveys aimed at specific groups, and real-time reporting. These surveys provided by Retently are simple and efficient for customers to participate in and offer valuable insights for businesses to enhance their performance.

Pricing: The plans start at $49/month for up to 1000 survey responses, and can go up to custom pricing for larger businesses.

G2 Rating: 4.8/5

9. AskNicely

Automated NPS Platform 

AskNicely is a platform that enhances the customer experience by providing NPS surveys, in-app feedback, and email feedback options. The NPS surveys offered by AskNicely are straightforward and effortless for customers to participate in, delivering useful information for businesses to improve customer satisfaction.

Pricing: The plans start at $350 per month for up to 1,500 survey responses and can go up to custom pricing for larger businesses with advanced requirements.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

10. Survicate

Simple interface nps platform

With a focus on using NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys to gauge customer satisfaction, Survicate is a platform created to collect consumer feedback. The likelihood that customers will suggest a firm to others is frequently assessed using NPS surveys, and Survicate makes the process simple for businesses so they can quickly obtain information about their experience.

Pricing: Its plans start from a free forever plan with limited features, and paid plans start from $99 per month billed annually, with more advanced features and options for larger businesses.

G2 Rating: 4.7/5

Wrapping up

To conclude, NPS surveys play a crucial role in evaluating customer satisfaction and gaining valuable perspectives on the customer experience. Businesses have a wide selection of platforms to choose from, each offering different features to suit specific needs. Whether it be custom branding options, instant reporting, or the capability to collect feedback through multiple channels, there is a survey platform that can assist businesses in reaching their objectives. By utilizing NPS surveys to gather insights about customer satisfaction and analyzing customer experience data, companies can make informed decisions to improve the overall customer experience, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately promote business growth.

What is a Regression Model?

Looking to unlock the power of regression? We’ve got the key! This article will help you understand what a regression model is, why it’s so important, and how understanding this tool can significantly increase your ability to make data-driven decisions.

Employee feedback tools with customizable questions

The Future of Employee Feedback: 10 Must-Have Tools

Employee feedback tools are designed to help organizations gather and act on feedback from their employees. These tools typically offer a range of features and resources for creating and distributing surveys, analyzing survey data, and taking action based on the insights gained.

Employee feedback can help organizations to track their suggestions in a more structured and efficient manner. This can be particularly useful in large organizations where it may be difficult for managers to regularly solicit feedback from their employees or for employees to provide feedback in a more informal setting.

Now let’s look at a list of 10 best employee feedback tools to consider in 2023 based on their features and price.

  1. SurveySparrow
  2. SurveyMonkey
  3. Qualtrics
  4. 15Five
  5. Culture Amp
  6. Lattice
  7. Alchemer
  8. TinyPulse
  9. Officevibe
  10.  Reflektive

1. SurveySparrow

employee feedback software - SurveySparrow

Gathering employee feedback can often be a challenging task. But with SurveySparrow’s uniquely refined approach, it doesn’t have to be. SurveySparrow offers a wide range of features like premade templates, advanced skip logic and branching, real-time data analysis and reporting, mobile-responsive design etc. to make it easy for organizations to conduct surveys more efficiently.

Today, SurveySparrow is one of the best options available when it comes to identifying needs, strategizing solutions, and leveraging success within your workforce.

In addition to the above, Some of its other features include:

  • Customizable surveys: SurveySparrow allows users to create custom surveys and questionnaires, which can be helpful for gathering specific types of feedback.
  • Automatic email invitations: You can automatically send email invitations to employees to take the survey.
  • Multiple languages: SurveySparrow supports multiple languages, so you can conduct surveys in the language of your choice.
  • Anonymous surveys: SurveySparrow allows you to conduct anonymous surveys, ensuring that employees feel comfortable sharing their honest feedback.
  • Advanced reporting: SurveySparrow offers advanced reporting and visualization options, allowing you to easily analyze and interpret survey results.
  • Integration with other tools: SurveySparrow integrates with a variety of other tools, including Slack, Google Sheets, and Salesforce.
  • Custom branding: You can customize the branding of your surveys with your company’s logo and colors.
  • Secure data: SurveySparrow ensures that all data is securely stored and protected.

Overall, SurveySparrow is a powerful and flexible employee feedback tool that can be a suitable alternative for organizations looking to gather employee feedback and insights, competing with top players like Typeform, SurveyMonkey, and Qualtrics.

Pricing: SurveySparrow offers a free trial for 14 days and its basic plan starts from $19 Per Month  

2. SurveyMonkey

surveymonkey - employee feedback tool

SurveyMonkey can be used as an employee feedback tool because it allows organizations to gather and analyze feedback from their employees through the use of surveys and questionnaires. SurveyMonkey has a variety of features that make it suitable for gathering employee feedback, such as the ability to create custom surveys, use skip logic and branching to create more targeted questions, and customize the survey theme. Additionally, It allows users to easily export and analyze the data collected from the surveys, which can help organizations identify trends and areas for improvement.

Pricing: Starts at $31 per month. 

3. Qualtrics

employee engagement platform - qulatrics

Qualtrics employee feedback tool can be used for getting a better understanding of how employees are feeling about various aspects of their work, such as job satisfaction, engagement, and company culture. It includes features such as employee surveys, engagement analytics, and action planning. Qualtrics also has a feedback feature that allows employees to give and receive feedback from their manager. Therefore, the platform’s survey and analytics features allow organizations to gather and analyze data in order to identify trends and areas for improvement. 

Pricing: Custom pricing is available upon request.

4. 15Five

employee feedback app for improving communication

15Five is a tool that helps organizations to gather feedback from employees on a regular basis. It is designed to help employees feel heard and supported and to help managers stay informed about what is going on in their team. 15Five can be a useful tool for organizations that want to create a culture of continuous feedback and improvement. By encouraging employees to regularly reflect on their work and share their thoughts and concerns, 15Five can help to foster a sense of connection and engagement within the team.

Pricing: Plans start at $9 per user per month.

5. Culture Amp

gather effective feedback with culture amps

Culture Amp is a tool that helps organizations to measure, manage, and improve their company culture. It is designed to help organizations gather feedback from employees, understand what is working well and where there are opportunities for improvement, and take action to make positive changes. In addition to gathering feedback, Culture Amp also provides tools and resources to help organizations take action based on the insights they have gained. This can include things like training programs, coaching support, and tools to help managers have effective conversations with their team members.

Price: Custom pricing is available upon request.

6. Lattice

real time employee engagement rate tool

Lattice is a tool that is designed to help organizations manage and improve employee performance, development, and engagement. It offers a range of features and resources that can be useful for gathering and acting on employee feedback, including performance review and feedback tools, training programs, and career development resources. In general, Lattice can be effective for helping organizations to create a culture of continuous feedback and improvement, and for supporting the growth and development of employees.

Pricing: Plans start at $9 per user per month.

7. Alchemer (Formerly SurveyGizmo)

Feedback and Improvement Platform

Alchemer is a survey and data collection tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including gathering employee feedback. It is very effective for creating and distributing surveys, analyzing data, and taking action based on the insights gained. Some of the key features of Alchemer that make it effective for employee feedback include its custom survey creation tools, advanced data analysis capabilities, and ability to integrate with other tools and platforms. 

Pricing: Starts at $25 per month

8. TinyPulse 

Feedback and Improvement Platform

TinyPulse is a tool that is designed to help organizations gather and act on employee feedback. It includes features such as employee surveys, engagement analytics, and action planning. TinyPulse offers a range of support resources, including training, consulting, and coaching support, to help organizations make the most of their employee feedback efforts.

Pricing: Plans start at $4 per user per month.

9. Officevibe 

people first employee feedback survey

Officevibe has several benefits compared to other platforms, including being easy to use, having customization options, offering advanced data analysis, and providing comprehensive support resources. It provides a range of templates and tools for creating surveys that can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. Surveys can be distributed to employees through a variety of channels, including email, text, and web.

Pricing: Plans start at $2 per user per month.

10. Reflektive

performance engagement app

Reflektive is a performance management tool that helps in gathering and analyzing employee feedback for businesses. Goal tracking, ongoing performance management, and real-time feedback are some of its characteristics. Additionally, Reflektive offers a feedback option that enables employees to provide and receive peer feedback.

Price: Custom pricing is available upon request.

Wrapping Up

The best employee feedback tool for an organization will depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization, as well as how the tool is used. By carefully evaluating the available options and choosing a tool that is well-suited to meeting your needs, organizations can effectively gather and act on employee feedback to create a positive and supportive work environment.

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