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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]If you want your business to be successful, you need to understand the needs, wants, and expectations of your customers. Knowing your customers’ sentiments and how they perceive your brand is critical to boosting sales, enhancing word-of-mouth, and creating a better experience for future customers. And doing so will ensure that you’re focused on long-term success rather than just one-hit wonders.

Customer health is indeed critical to a business’s success, and health scores are integral to your customer engagement strategy in ensuring that the customer is happy and satisfied. So, in order to win the competitive market, it is imperative that you keep an eye on your customer health score. 

Here in this article, I’m going to tell you why customer health score matters and why you should keep an eye on it if you want to scale your company’s success to the next level.

What is Customer Health Score?

To begin with, let’s review the basics. What does customer health score mean?

A customer health score is a metric that quantifies the overall well-being and satisfaction of a company’s customer base. It provides a snapshot of how customers are interacting with a company and its offerings and helps to identify areas for improvement. You will be able to get a  comprehensive picture of customer health by considering factors such as engagement, retention, upselling and cross-selling, and lifetime value. 

The goal of tracking and measuring customer health is to ensure that customers are happy and successful with a company’s products or services, which would help drive loyalty, retention, and advocacy.

Hence, by regularly monitoring the customer health score, companies can gain insights into customer satisfaction and make data-driven decisions to improve the customer experience and steer growth.

Components of a Customer Health Score

The customer health score is a composite metric that is made up of several different components. Given below are some of the significant components that determine the scores.


You can measure how actively engaged a customer is with a company’s products or services with this component. For example, a customer who regularly opens and clicks through marketing emails would have a higher engagement score than someone who rarely interacts with company communications.


This customer health score’s retention component measures the likelihood that a customer will continue to do business with a company in the future. A high retention score would indicate that a customer is satisfied with the company’s products or services and is likely to remain a customer for the long term.

Upselling and Cross-selling

This customer health score component measures a customer’s potential to purchase additional products or services from a company. For example, a customer who has recently purchased a new product from a company is likely to have a high upselling and cross-selling score.

Lifetime Value

This component measures the total value that a customer is expected to bring to a company over the course of their relationship. A high lifetime value score would indicate that a customer is expected to be valuable in the long term.

How to Calculate a Customer Health Score

The customer health score is typically calculated based on a set of key metrics, such as product usage, customer feedback, support tickets, and retention rates, among others. There is no one set formula for calculating a customer health score, as the metrics and weightings used can vary depending on the company’s goals and the specific needs of its customer base. 

However, many companies use a weighted average of the different components of the customer health score, with each component being given a specific weight based on its importance to the company. For example, a company may assign a higher weight to retention, an essential indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits of Measuring Customer Health Score

As a result of a study on “How Customer Health Scores Can Help Reduce Churn and Improve Customer Success” (2020), it was noted that customer health scores are a strong predictor of customer churn and are useful in addressing customer problems proactively.

Measuring customer health scores can be helpful for businesses for the following reasons:

Improved Customer Retention

Analyzes customer health scores consistently to identify customers at risk of leaving and take steps to improve their experiences.

Better Understanding of Customer Needs and Behaviors

 Tracks customer health scores to better understand the customer’s needs and behaviors. This data makes informed decisions about product development and marketing tactics possible.

Improved Customer Service

Identifies areas for improving customer experience, leading to more satisfied customers and better customer service.

Increased Revenue through Upselling and Cross-selling

 Helps identify customers who are likely to purchase additional products or services and creates targeted upselling and cross-selling campaigns.

How to Use Customer Health Scores

You can use customer health scores in several ways to improve a company’s bottom line. Some of the key ways to use customer health scores include

Identifying At-Risk Customers

Companies can identify customers at risk of leaving and take steps to improve their experiences and keep them as customers. They can also offer special promotions, provide better customer support, or address any issues the customer may be having with the company’s products or services.

Improving Customer Onboarding

Companies can use customer health scores to identify areas where new customers are struggling and track their progress. This information would help improve the onboarding process and make it easier for new customers to get up and running with a company’s products or services.

Personalizing Customer Experiences

By understanding customer needs and behaviors, companies can design more personalized customer experiences, such as targeted marketing campaigns, customized product recommendations, or tailored support services.

Optimizing Customer Communications

Companies can use customer health scores to determine the frequency and type of communications that are most effective with different segments of their customer base, improve the overall effectiveness of customer communications, and increase engagement.

Final Thoughts

Companies that focus on improving their customers’ health scores are more likely to succeed. That’s because a company that cares about its customers succeeds, period.

Therefore, by frequently keeping track of customer health scores and using the information they provide, companies can take steps to improve their bottom line and create more satisfied customers. 

Whether you’re looking to improve customer retention, better understand customer needs and behaviors or increase revenue through upselling and cross-selling, the customer health score is an essential tool in your arsenal. Hence, if you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to leverage customer health scores to uplift your company’s success. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]